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About me

Sara Romano, born in Palermo in 1985, began her career as a singer and musician in 2006 dealing with popular music, passion that has always been nurtured since childhood, and Mediterranean folk. In 2009 she decided to release her songs, creating the DUIN project, a band of 5 elements that has yielded artistic prizes and satisfactions. Along her carreer she performed in Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Germany and other places of EU. In 2012 she left to United States where she was hosted on the GreenFestival radio program of Asheville, N. Carolina, and he faced a solo tour in Atlanta, Georgia, and Asheville (NC.), where she experimented new acoustic arrangements.

Along the years she collaborates with variuos artists and makes a lot of recordings.

In 2013 the singer started a solo project and in december of the same year launched her first EP, La parte migliore, in collaboration for the arrangements with Andrea Le Moli.

In November 2014 she won the Velvet Music Prize by participating in the Tour Music Fest with the song "La ballata delle parole complesse". On 12 June 2016 she performed in Pantelleria media library accompanying the writer Erri De Luca during the meeting with the author.

The first album Ciricò will be released in September 2016 under the artistic production of Marco Corrao with the label Maremmano Records and IRD Distribution. In the same year she won the Ciampi Award as best unpublished national song. In 2017, the Ciricò Tour will take her to perform throughout Italy and open concerts of international artists like Bocephus King, Kelly Sloan and Skye Wallace. In 2018 she continues to carry on her music in Italy and in april she performed as guitarist with Alex Valle, guitarist of Francesco De Gregori, in the Nebros Tour of Marco Corrao. In may 2018 she went in tour with Kelly Sloan as solo guitarist and back vocalist.

The release of the second album Saudagoria, with the artistic direction of Marco Corrao and Michele Gazich, will schedule for November 2018.


Pedigree internazionale per questa cantautrice siciliana che scrive e produce questo Ep comprensivo di quattro brani, in cui la chitarra e la voce sono gli strumenti principali, ma dove non mancano sonorità inconsuete che donano al lavoro una notevole raffinatezza folk: Sara Romano scrive in modo elegante, a volte sceglie di cantare in italiano, altre in siciliano, ma risultando sempre piacevolmente evocativa. Si percepisce, nonostante le notevoli esperienze in giro per il mondo, quel fortissimo legame con la sua terra natia che costituisce la vera spina dorsale - anche spirituale del progetto.(



Vi presentiamo un interessante esordio:si tratta di Sara Romano, cantautrice siciliana (classe 1985) che ha già parecchi anni di esperienza alle spalle. E’ stata coinvolta in vari progetti (fra cui DUIN, fondato nel 2009) e si è dedicata soprattutto alla musica popolare e al folk di stampo mediterraneo. Dopo un mini-tour in terra statunitense, nel 2013 arriva il suo primo lavoro da solista intitolato La Parte Migliore che vede il contributo di Luca de Lorenzo (contrabbasso), Lucia Lauro (percussioni), Andrea Le Mori (chitarre), Alessandro Mattina (tromba) e Roberto Milano (violino). (





"Sara Romano: the connection between music and nature"




Sara Romano – Intervista (








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